In today’s video, we are going to discuss the feminine voice, and how to be attractive in the way you speak and present yourself verbally.
Like, doesn’t that kind of break the spell, she’s just very delicate then she was like shouting, sometimes the voice can kind of like ruin the effect. I’m not saying don’t be someone you’re not, if you don’t naturally speak in this purring voice, don’t fake it. But again, try to try to avoid the harsher edges. Try not to yell and raise your voice a lot.
If you’re angry, try to control your anger. Don’t go off on these long angry rants at people, that is not feminine, you want your voice to be soothing and gentle. It helps to kind of speak softly. Again, speaking softly, sometimes whispering can be feminine whispering can be very feminine, depending on you know what it is. And you know, baby talk, when you see like a cute little baby or a cute dog, that is something men don’t do. And again, it’s a contrast, it’s feminine. Women will talk like cute baby talk, men don’t do that. So again, that’s the feminine voice. It’s not just the softness and a gentle quality,and this softness, and gentleness, often comes from what we’re going to talk about in another area in goodness, is inner happiness. I won’t talk too much about it right now. But our softness to our voice is often a function of our emotional state. If you’re very stressed out, it’s going to be hard to keep your voice from taking on like a shrill or anxious urgency to it, it’s going to stress other people out. Try to maintain a good life for yourself. Try not to put yourself in situations where you’re stressed out, maybe feel unsafe, maybe feel like you’re being unfairly treated, especially in workplaces. Try to try to keep your life in order, keep your life, under your control, live a life that you’re happy with, so that you can maintain your emotional equilibrium, and not get like too stressed or anything. And then that way, your voice will naturally kind of have like a gentle quality to it.
Another thing that’s feminine about the voice, it can be feminine to not talk a lot. Sometimes our voice can have a lot more impact. If we’re not always using it. Sometimes women they will just talk talk, talk, talk, talk, talk talk, and that’s not always feminine. Obviously, I’m not saying be silent and like never talk, obviously you should tal,k I talk a lot in these videos. But again, you want to use your words carefully, and then also singing. singing is also a very feminine, very feminine. If you look at the old Disney movies like Snow White, especially Snow White, if I remember, right, she had a very sweet, feminine voice, not every woman is going to have that sweet kind of nature to her voice, there’s very feminine voices that are very sweet and cutesy and childlike, then there’s other feminine voices that are kind of, they’ve got almost like a relaxed quality to them. And they’re kind of slower, speaking a little more slowly, can be very feminine, that can be very alluring to men as well, because it’s a contrast to that masculine efficiency.
They want to talk fast, and get all the information out, you know, but women often speak slowly. You can hear this in like Kim Kardashian, when you listen to her in an interview, she has a very feminine voice, she speaks very softly, I mean, I don’t know some of the interviews, maybe where she’s, like, stressed out or whatever. But if you watched enough videos of her, you’ll see that when she’s interviewed, she has a very gentle kind of quieter way of talking. And she’s got kind of a slower way of talking. And you can tell she has a slower way of talking because she lives a very feminine lifestyle, she doesn’t work a normal job, so she’s not rushed out the door every morning and has to be efficient and fight through traffic. She sits at home with her family, and basically get to sit around and like put on makeup, like she’s a very slow relaxing… I don’t want to say a slow relaxing life, because obviously, like She’s famous and I’m sure she has to travel and do a lot of things. But there’s a certain slowness in her voice when you listen to her. And that is very feminine.
That relaxing quality. It can be very soothing for men to talk to a woman who has that calm or slower voice. So again, you may be the kind of woman that has kind of a more naturally slower kind of voice or you may be the woman that has me being more cutesy, childlike voice, whatever fits your personality. There’s different ways to do it. But you know, that is something and then again, as I was getting out singing, singing is a really good one. Another thing about Snow White, and this is the point I was originally making Snow White sings in that movie a lot. if you look at Disney Princesses, what are they doing all the time they’re singing at pretty much every Disney Princess has to sing a song and then all the little animals have to come and listen to her, but because it’s beautiful, you know, beautiful feminine singing.
There’s a lot of music nowadays. That it almost sounds like the woman’s in pain. Some of the songs nowadays, the female voice can be very beautiful, but I feel like man, we we sing a lot of really angsty songs. So it’s hard to hear that and it’s hard to like here modern music and like know what I’m talking about. But man, watch Disney movies. These women are always singing, and it’s in a very beautiful way like watch Cinderella watch Snow White. These these movies, the women are singing, and it’s very feminine to sing. Now, you may be the kind of person like me, I’m kind of a shy person. I don’t sing. So don’t feel like you have to sing. But if you like to sing, and you’re comfortable singing, sing, it’s very feminine. It’s very attractive. I know a man at our parish mall. It was a parish I used to go to and he said his wife sang in the choir. And she had a very distinctive soprano voice. You always knew when she was singing at Mass, but he went said I heard him say after mass, somebody complimented you know, she’s saying a solo at church or something. And somebody complimented him and said, Your wife’s voice It was so beautiful today. And he said, Yeah, her voice is the reason I married her. Now he was being poetic. Obviously, there were other reasons, you would make someone your life partner. But what he meant was, her voice was so beautiful. That was the initial thing that attracted him to her. And so again, your voice can be very attractive to men. So that’s something to keep in mind. Another way that is feminine, is a different type of singing. And we see this and she’s a very unlikely person for this. And I don’t recommend a lot of the content on her channel.
But Jenna Marbles, some of her early videos, she has almost like this little sing songy thing to herself, and I would post a clip here, but I don’t want to anger the YouTube copyright gods. So maybe I’ll link a video in the description. But she’s got two little dogs and she’ll make them sing, and she’ll like sing a little song with them. I don’t know what the name of one of her dogs is, but she’ll like pick them up be like, “oh, right now we’re gonna go do this and did it did to do” and like, she’ll sing a little with them, and it’s kind of playful. So there’s something really kind of feminine and playful about that. And so having that little kind of singsongything… I’m gonna link a link to one of her videos, because it’s one of those things where when you see it, you’ll get what I mean, she, it’s very playful, and it’s very feminine.
Men don’t sing little songs to themselves, or be like, “here’s my dog, my dogs gonna do thi,” you know, like, they don’t do that, guys don’t do that. They would laugh at each other out of existence, if a guy did that other guys would tease him mercilessly. But for women, you know, it’s it’s feminine, because it’s playful, and it’s, again, it’s a contrast to men. Men take themselves very seriously sometimes. And women can often be you know, the playful when break that up. So again, that’s an aspect of the feminine voice, singing either regular singing or maybe the more playful sing songy kind of singing Those are things so feminine voice very attractive.