In today’s video we are going to discuss radiant happiness. It’s important to have inner happiness, but there’s also nothing wrong with showing your happiness clearly. If you are an extrovert, this one’s gonna be easy for you 😉

Welcome to Thomistic Womanhood. In this video, we are going to continue on the goodness series. In this video, we’re going to be talking about something called radiant happiness. This is different. So basically, we’re going to do a video later about, serenity and like inner happiness. But this is more like outer happiness because both kinds of happiness are important. People always talk about inner happiness. Don’t get me wrong, like that’s crucial. But at the same time, there is something to be said about how infectious and contagious joy can be. Have you ever been around someone and they were just really happy, and it somehow made you happy? Men love women like that woman who smile, they make jokes, they’re like, Oh, I enjoy this. And oh, that’s beautiful. And oh, yeah, they’re just very animated and happy. If that’s part of your personality. Don’t be ashamed of it.

Some of you watching this, maybe you’re more introverted, so like, the whole reading and happiness is not really going to be your thing. I’m like that I’m not super like I have radiantly happy moments, let’s put it that way. I would not say I’m like a very extroverted Lee happy person all the time. So if you’re an introvert, don’t despair, I’m not saying you have to like to change your personality. But what I am saying is don’t be ashamed to show your happiness, if you are the more extroverted type, don’t be ashamed of it. Because that’s actually like, you’re in a way you’re making the world a better place. One happy person gives other people permission to be happy, too. And I feel like in Western society, we have, especially here in America, we have such a light hustle culture, grind that people kind of lose the joy in life, it just becomes like this treadmill of work. And, a happy person can kind of break that monotony and men really like that about a woman because men don’t really they don’t have as, as, I don’t want to say they don’t have as many feelings as us as they do. But like, it’s harder for them to like, express their feelings, and feel happy. In a way, it’s like life can get very dreary and colorless for men, and a woman kind of brings some light and joy into that.

And so showing your enthusiasm, your happiness, that’s really important, so again, some of you who are extroverted, you’re going to be really animated in your happiness. And that’s good. Don’t be ashamed of that. For those of you who are more introverted, you’ll even have moments where you like to geek out and get really excited about something. So again, don’t be ashamed to show that. So that’s food for thought. This is probably a really quick video, but there’s not much else to say, I’m basically like, don’t be ashamed of being happy over stuff. I think our society pushes a very, like, serious view of life. And it’s almost like your happy people are suspicious. So like, What are you so happy about and so that’s why I’m saying like, it’s, it’s important to be happy. And if you’re not happy, it can kind of be like a man wants a woman that he can be successful and like, make feel happy. And so like we talked about this, in the previous video, we’re talking about accepting to help with men because then they feel appreciated and needed, if you are happy all the time, that kind of makes him feel happy too. And more than that, it makes him feel like everything’s okay. like all as well. If you’re not happy, then that can kind of stress a guy out, not so much, especially when you’re in an established relationship, it can kind of stress him out more because he loves you and he has a connection to you. So if you’re not happy, don’t despair.

This video is not meant to make you feel bad. If you’re not happy and you’re going through a rough time in your life and you’re like I just I can’t muster that up. sit down and ask yourself, why are you not happy? What’s going on in your life? Is it some sort of life choice you made? Is it the environment you’re in, try to try to figure it out. And this is one of those areas where taking care of yourself so that you can get to a point where you’re happy. whether it’s the very animated way you’re radiantly happy, or you just have radiantly happy moments, you know, and you’re more introverted, but get to a point where you’re, you’re genuinely happy, as much as can be because obviously, there’s so much like suffering and trade-offs in life, there’s always going to be a certain amount of sadness. For life, I’m not I’m not discounting that. But try to get to a state of contentment and Joy. try to find joy in the little things because that’s important. And again, if you don’t feel joyful, sit down and try to figure out why. And then go try to fix it. There’s maybe some, like childhood trauma. Go see a therapist try to get to the bottom of that if therapy isn’t your thing, maybe journals do self-help books, try to process that because a happy smiling woman really values that they value a woman who’s happy so that’s pretty much it for radiant happiness. That is a factor that is important in dating.