Welcome to today’s video! In this video, we are going to discuss being playful and childlike and how important that actually is. (Not childish…child-like. There is a difference 😉 It’s important to approach life with a spirit of hope and positivity and to do what we can to overcome life’s challenges so we can have that positive spirit.

Welcome to Thomistic Womanhood. In today’s video, we’re going to continue the goodness series, and we’re going to talk about a concept called, playfulness having a sense of humor about life not taking everything. So seriously, men appreciate that about women because men can kind of be very serious men are just very like, regimented.

Sometimes they’re just very structured. And women are more fluid and playful, and we kind of color outside the lines because we just thought it looked better, and we just kind of were a little more free-spirited, and that can be very attractive to men, that playfulness and that sense of joy. and wonder, this is a little different than the video before where we talked about radiant happiness, which is just like happiness, in general, what I’m talking about here is a little different. I mean, obviously, you have to be kind of cheerful and happy to pull this off. But I’m talking about like I said, a sense of playfulness, you don’t take life very seriously. I mean, obviously, there are certain parts of life that you take seriously, that we all should take seriously. But you don’t sweat the small stuff, you kind of take things in stride. And again, you’re playful, and you have kind of almost a childlike nature. And if you look at children, it’s very interesting to see kind of, like how they conduct themselves. And you can often learn stuff, I mean, obviously, like, You’re a grown woman, so like, the childlikeness only goes so far, but there just has to be a certain lightness. And a lot of that, how that comes up is, again, a sense of humor, you have to be willing to take a joke, you have to be willing to make a joke.

Sometimes men can get very serious, and sometimes you gotta kind of poke fun at them a little bit, kind of get that ego back down to earth a little bit. Sometimes men just take themselves a little too seriously. And so there’s that and then, children have a certain bluntness to them, so, don’t be afraid to be blunt and say exactly something, maybe a guy wants to take you to a restaurant and you don’t want to go there. And you’re kind of embarrassed about the reason and he’s like, why don’t you want to go there? And you’re like, honestly, I went there before, and the waiter smells like fish. Like, it’s kind of it’s so blind, but like, what else you gonna say, so children have a very blunt, unfiltered way of talking. And sometimes, there’s no way to state something. Unless it’s in kind of a funny blunt way. Like, don’t be blunt, and like, hurt his feelings, well, we went to the restaurant and you smelled like fish, like, That’s rude. Like, you see the difference there. Like, before, you weren’t necessarily talking about him. And you have to kind of say it with a smile on your face and lightly because it can kind of come off as very, like snarky and bratty. If you like, say, if you said like, well, I went there and the waiters all smelled like fish.

So again, it definitely tones in the way you say it means a lot. But yeah, certain childlikeness again, there’s this kind of blunt way of speaking. Another thing about children is they have kind of tender feelings, it’s easy to hurt their feelings. And they can often misunderstand you over something kind of silly. And so there is a certain way it can be easier to resolve conflicts. When you do have something more. I don’t want to say childlike spirit, because that probably sounds so degrading. But really, it is, we women, children, and us women, we often have that in common, we can both have very tender feelings that can often get hurt. And the guy often doesn’t even intend to hurt our feelings. And so sometimes children assume they come from a loving home, and they haven’t been abused, or, they don’t have like messed up parents. But in general, a child who’s been from a loving home, they’re very honest, they’re like, well, he hurt my feelings that you didn’t play with me because you didn’t like my truck, and you’re like, Okay, that’s completely ridiculous. But okay, obviously, you’re not going to tell him it’s ridiculous, but like you’re hearing it and you’re like, Okay, but it’s so simple. And at least the problem and now you can reassure them Well, it has nothing to do with your truck. So it’s kind of the same thing as women.

Sometimes when you kind of have a fight with your boyfriend or something, sometimes the childlike way is the best way because it resolves the conflict. You can just say, Well, I felt like you were dismissing me when you said that about, let’s say you’re an artist, and you paint a lot. And, you showed a painting to him, and you were like, excited, you’re like, Look, look what I did. And he goes, wow, it’s got a lot of black like, and you’re like, totally hurts your feelings, instead of getting all upset, and like not talking about it, or, playing it off, like, Oh, I’m fine, cuz he’s gonna notice you’re upset. Honestly, sometimes the childlike blunt ways, the best just be like, Well, I was really proud of my painting, and it hurt my feelings that you said there was a lot of black in it, because it made me feel like you thought it was stupid. And so things like that. So again, this child like this is really important. Another final area of childlikeness is anger. Children can be adorable when they’re angry. But they will often this is something that gets talked about in a book called fascinating womanhood.

This is like the Oji of like, femininity books. This is out in the 60s. I know YouTube is like a femininity movement, but this movement has been going on for decades with newsflash YouTubers. But anyway, they talk about that in this book. And it’s one of the big criticisms, in this book, people go, oh, that book teaches you to like stamp your foot and blah, blah. And this is where that came from. There is a section on that childlike spirit. And yes, children will stamp their feet when they’re mad, or they’ll like, shake their head or something, or do something kind of silly, or they’re like, they’ll like beat on your leg or something. And it’s ridiculous because there’s so little, then they’re not going to hurt you. But yet, they’re sitting there trying to hurt you. And you’re like, Oh, my gosh, that’s hilarious. Adorable, but that was actually suggested in the book, maybe you should like to beat on his chest, what was the other one stamp your feet, you know?

And so some of you, when you are angry, that can be an authentic response, have you ever just felt so upset, you were just like, Oh, you just like, you just, you felt like doing something silly. So, sometimes having a childlike expression of anger can actually be a good thing, because it kind of diffuses the tension, if you can just say, like, I don’t know, maybe, like, take his arm and like, shake him a little bit, not in a real angry way. Like, I’m not talking about domestic violence here. But I’m just like, maybe out of frustration, you can just like, shake his arm, and in like, a gentle way. But it’s kind of, there are certain little silly ways to like, express your anger, it doesn’t, the point of the book is not that you should stamp your feet when you’re angry. Because again, for some of us, that’s not really that, like, I am very, into being feminine. And I’ve never felt like stomping my feet when I’m angry. Like, that’s just not the expression that I have. But I have friends who are very extroverted. Like that’s, that’s, that’s how they are.

So again, Think it over, if you feel absolutely silly doing something like that, you don’t have to do that. But if you can find kind of a silly childlike way to vent your anger, sometimes, again, if this is kind of a minor thing to be angry about, obviously, if your husband cheated on you, or something, or your boyfriend, did something major to hurt you? Yeah, I’m not saying you should like to stomp your feet and be cute about it. But if it’s something minor, you and him both know that this is not a big deal, but he’s really annoying you about something and you need to express that annoyance. because we got to get our feelings out. Then Yeah, try to find maybe a silly kind of funny way to express it. Because again, it can defuse the tension, you’ll both have a good laugh, and then from there, you can get to work trying to solve the problem about what made one or both of you upset. So again, just some thoughts on that. And it’s important, it’s important, so don’t take everything so seriously.