Hello! We’re continuing our series on how to attract a man through the principles of Beauty, Truth and Goodness. In today’s video we are going to talk about cleanliness, and how being clean and fresh will enhance your beauty and attractiveness.
Again continuing on the category of beauty, this may not strictly speaking sound like beauty, but cleanliness good hygiene, you want to have a fresh look to your clothes, your clothes should be clean because remember one of the aspects of beauty is a certain like splendor, so when you have clean clothes, you get kind of the full impact of the color in the clothes. if your clothes are starched, maybe you have like starched ribbons or a starched shirt, or your belt is shined in your shoes maybe you have shiny patent leather shoes, you want to have a certain cleanliness and clarity in your clothing.
Don’t wear like an iron clothes, or clothes maybe haven’t been washed recently, and they’re wrinkled. Have you ever taken something out of the wash and you ironed a shirt you’re like, wow, I’m surprised like how much better that looks, or you have something that you know is dirty and you wash it and suddenly it looks kind of brighter and nicer. that’s what I’m talking about here. cleanliness, good hygiene, you want to brush your teeth, you want to take showers you want to do skincare, make your skin look clearer and brighter, whiten your teeth you want bright, shiny, pearly, nice teeth, wash your hair, maybe put hair treatments that make it kind of shiny and glossy because again, you get that brightness and that splendor. that’s a quality of beauty.
You want that and then you know with your clothes, I probably should have touched on this in the last video. But proportion symmetry. you want nice when you iron your clothes, you can often see the lines of the style of the clothing better. And so that’s proportion symmetry, that’s an aspect of beauty. But yeah, just cleanliness, shower, breath mints, brush your teeth, if you’re working out, you know, take a shower before you go on with the rest of your day. have that cleanliness and that good hygiene. Men expect out of women, they want a woman that’s clean and fresh, and she smells good. With other men, they’ll kind of you know, if a guy comes back from the basketball court or guys, they’re not always that great about their hygiene, let’s be real, but they expect women to be different.
There again, there’s that contrast, you know, they expect women to be into their looks. They expect women to be sensual in a certain sense. And when I say sensual, I don’t mean that like a dirty way. They expect women to be more in touch with the senses. How do you think smell? How do they look? How do they sound? I was watching a comedian. I think it was Dave Chappelle. And he said something very enlightening that I never realized but he said women like comfortable stuff. Have you ever used a different four letter word but he said have you ever been in a woman’s house, her couches are soft, and she’s got these candles like smelling stuff up? And he was just describing the sensuality of a home. soft candles, well, soft light but soft couches, soft fuzzy blankets, nice smelly candles, maybe playing some nice calming music. We women we really like that.
So again, that’s why men expect women to smell good and be clean. They expect us to pay attention to those kinds of things. So again, if you want to attract men, cleanliness, good hygiene, shave your legs don’t scrimp on that you know things like that are really important. You want to have also this is sort of kind of comes under the cleanliness and the clean clothes. This is near it, kind of similar to it but don’t have like your underwear showing. you don’t want your bra strap showing under your shirt. Or you know your slip kind of hanging out. Or if you wear kind of thigh high stockings and things, you don’t want that showing, like the band of the stocking like peeking out under your skirt. it looks it looks kind of messy. you want to have a certain clean look, you don’t want your underwear showing get slips that fit, get bras that fit. if your bra doesn’t fit or it’s uncomfortable, go to a bra store and get a fitting done. you can go to Victoria’s Secret. I think they do free fittings. I feel like if you’re going to buy bras you can get prettier ones than Victoria’s Secret I feel like but so I’m not saying necessarily buy their lingerie but you can definitely get a bra fitting there. But again, just make sure that your underwear and everything is not showing And so yeah, that is A good aspect of being attractive that men expect from a woman. They expect us to be clean and huggable and smell good. And so you want to aim for that.
So the next thing, the next attractive thing under the category of beauty, you want to have a feminine voice, Again, this contrast between men and women, you want to have a voice that is softer than man’s, you don’t have a harsh grading tone to it. You don’t yell and raise your voice a lot. Really feminine women won’t yell, Believe it or not, if they’re like a baseball game, and they have you ever seen a really beautiful woman? Maybe she said, like a soccer game. And she like yells over at her kid, he’s like, hey, come over here.