Hello everyone! In today’s video, we are going to continue discussing a few ways you can be more feminine!

Number eight, have respect for motherhood, regardless of whether you want to have a biological child or not treat children as the blessing they are and have a healthy respect for your body’s ability to create a new human being. If due to health issues or surgery, you can’t bear a child, or for whatever reason, you don’t want to at least recognize and respect that bringing a new life into the world is an awesome privilege that us women have that men don’t. So again, motherhood is not it’s not an insult. It’s not a degradation, giving birth pregnancy, and delivery in our society. Because we have more of like a medical-industrial complex, we’ve kind of made birth into like this business, where you got to go to the hospital, and, it’s this big thing, and you have a bunch of drugs and blah, blah, blah, and obviously, hospital births are good and necessary in certain cases, we’ve really medicalized the whole, the whole cycle of pregnancy and childbirth, this is a natural process, our bodies are designed to do this, it’s kind of an awe-inspiring thing, that the female body can do this, we can grow a new human being, pregnancy and giving birth, that’s not an illness, they say, new mothers are the only people in the hospital who aren’t sick.

And I think there’s a lot of truth to that everybody in the hospital is there because they have an illness, there’s something wrong with their body. However, new mothers are at the hospital, not because something’s wrong with their body, but because something’s going right, they’re doing what their bodies are designed to do. Um, so again, maybe you don’t want to have kids, that’s fine. But just because you don’t want to have kids, doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with having kids, I think that’s something our society gets very wrong, we make it out, like, there’s something kind of wrong with motherhood. And so then women kind of feel almost a little bit ashamed, of wanting to have children. We medicate away fertility, we take birth control left and right, and then women never really get the credit, that’s due to them for what an amazing thing their body can do. And motherhood is a beautiful thing. Children are a beautiful thing. And a feminine woman understands this, especially for those of you that kind of identify with the empath idea, you feel like you absorb people’s energies. This is something I was kind of alluding to, in the earlier one, when I was talking about number four, nurturing something, and how us women don’t get to be around children very much. That’s a shame because those of us that are more like empaths children have such a clean, I don’t know how to say it without sounding like woo-woo.

But if you identify with the whole like Empath thing, I think you’ll know what I mean, how when you talk to people, you can kind of sense like their vibe, or some people just seem to have like a dark cloud around them, maybe they’re having a bad day, or they’re just the cranky person or whatever. But man, children are different. Children have such a clean, pure energy to them. And like, Man, I remember one time I was walking down to my apartments, mailboxes, and I was having a bad day, I just got off work. And, I was dealing with a lot of people who were kind of jerks at work, and I was feeling kind of sad. And this little kid just was like walking by with their mom and just kind of looking up around and just kind of looked up at me and like, I think kind of waved or something, kind of greeted me it was like, hello, and man, that kid-like, like I said, Man, it had such like interacting with that kid because I said hi back and stuff. But that kid, it’s like such pure energy to them. And it was like, Man and made my day like, I felt so much better. And so I think it’s so sad that us women are not really there really.

If you don’t have children in your family, or nieces or nephews unless you’re around children through some sort of family connection, it’s really hard to be exposed to children. Again, we kind of have them off in daycare centers, and a lot of people, we spend so much time at work and there aren’t children at work unless you work in a daycare or you have some sort of child-focused career. But in general, we all spend time in these offices and we’re not around little kids and I think that’s a shame, especially for us women, again, motherhood and children are a blessing. And it’s a privilege okay, like Our society, I think one of the biggest con jobs we’ve done on women is we’ve convinced them that being able to give birth is no big deal. And that is such a lie, that is the most anti-woman thing, in my opinion, that you could teach women because it’s the one thing we can do that man can’t. And here we’re always talking like I am a woman. Hear me roar, rah, rah, rah. But yet the one thing we can do that men can’t, we’re going to just ignore that and completely sweep it under the rug. If men could do that, you bet they would be shouting from the rooftops about their superpowers, like, hey, I can grow into a new human being like, if men could give birth, we would never hear the end of it. I mean, they would just, they would be like, Oh, my gosh, they would have such a huge ego. I think I really do. Men already have big egos.

But I mean, even when you talk to men and stuff, they recognize it, they see it better than women do. What a privilege, what an impressive thing. When men are in their more honest, unguarded moments, yeah, they’ll say like, that’s one thing really amazing about women that makes a lot of men feel inadequate, they’re like, Wow, I remember I was post-reading Dr. Phil’s books. This is before he kind of jumped the shark and like, had that TV show and everything. But he had written a book, and he said, I don’t know why it is, maybe it’s because we can’t give birth. But us men are obsessed with being busy and trying to accomplish things. And I thought that’s a really interesting way of putting it, he’s basically making the point that men are ambitious, and they try to get all these great things done, because they feel inadequate next to a woman, they’re like, Wow, you created a new human being like, How can I compete with that? Like, sure, I built a skyscraper, but you built a human being out of your body, like, you just sat there and like it created itself after nine months, you know, there it is.

So, again, us women, like we need to take pride in that, again, I’m not saying you have to have children, maybe that’s not what you want to do. But that is an awesome privilege that us women have. Our fertility is not a sickness that we need to medicate with birth control. It’s an amazing thing, really amazing, I can say so much more about it. But again, have respect for motherhood, if you want to be more feminine, have a healthy respect for motherhood and see it as the privilege and the impressive thing that it really is, and see children as the blessing they are, yes, they’re annoying. Yes, they cry and are difficult, but children are a miracle. There’s really something amazing about it.

Alright, last one, number nine, have a certain mystery and don’t tell all your secrets, and explain every little detail of yourself. The people who matter are satisfied with the general info. And the people who don’t matter, we’ll use the details against you. So that’s kind of what I was hinting at, when I talked about number five. And I was like, you don’t want to go spilling your guts to everybody being feminine, it is about a lot of things. But a big aspect of femininity is a mystery, swimming of a certain mystery about us. And a feminine woman will not kind of lay all our cards on the table.

She’s going to be a little more vague, a little, she’ll kind of leave certain things left unsaid, because sometimes, especially when you’re dating, you want to have a certain mystery, you don’t want to come out and be like, I like you. Can we go on a date? You like, that’s not mysterious, men like a woman who’s a little bit like, evasive, they’re like, Ooh, I’m not really sure. Where I stand with her and so having a certain mystery that creates kind of certain dignity and self respect because you’re not out telling, you’re not wearing your heart on your sleeve, and telling everybody everything about you, because there is a certain vulnerability to that, so it’s you just you want to have a certain mystery for your protection, your peace of mind. And also like you, you don’t, you are not for everyone, you don’t have to constantly be explaining yourself to people hoping that they’ll see where you’re coming from, and approve of you, it can be very confident to be mysterious, you only say what needs to be said, what really needs to be said, because I’m not advocating like you hide things, there are certain situations where yeah, you do need to be open with people, you need to be open with a doctor or like a therapist or things or your parents, or confession with the priest obviously, but in general, there’s a lot of things that don’t need to be said. And also being silent.

Especially when you’re around a guy, and you’re on a date, that’s very intriguing to a man, because it’s so different. Most women were very talkative, and we want people to approve of us. So we get nervous when there’s silence. So we’ll start trying to fill it with talking or again, we want people to approve of us, and we’re worried maybe they’re judging us. So we, we kind of try to preempt that by like, over-explaining what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. But it can be a very confident thing, to just be quiet, and you only say what needs to be said, and you leave it at that you’re not constantly trying to explain yourself and things like that. And that’s very intriguing for men because they can tell that you’re not trying to like, get their approval, they sense that confidence, because you’re just, maybe you’re driving home from a date, and you’re just, you’re letting that silence be there, maybe it feels a little awkward, but let there be silences. When you’re on a date, and you don’t feel like you have anything to say, and maybe there’s like this awkward silence on the drive home. Sometimes it’s good to let there be silence, you don’t have to constantly be talking, it’s very feminine, to be silent, and to have that mystery. So that is a very, very important aspect, I think of femininity.

Silence is very important. Now, how many times have you kind of talked and talked and talked and then you came home and you were like, I feel uneasy about all the things I said to this person, I don’t know what they’re gonna do with that information. Maybe you’ve had friends, who you’re not quite sure if she’s a friend, or you’re not sure if this guy you dated. You don’t really know him that well yet, maybe telling him all these details about your childhood. You don’t know if he’s like a narcissistic jerk like maybe he’ll use that info against you or something. So it can often create, like some uneasiness and discomfort to over talk about yourself. And so you know, it’s important. Silence is really important because silence is very feminine. You don’t have to be talking all the time. You really don’t. And if people give you crap about like, why are you so quiet today or whatever? Is something wrong? You know, like, No, nothing’s wrong. I just didn’t have anything. I felt sane. And that’s it. I remember when I was in high school. That was when I learned that I was watching the Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers. It was the first time that this is going to show how old I am. But the movie, the trilogy came out when I was in high school, in the movies. And I watched the two towers, for the first time in theaters and I saw the elves, the elves were like, really quiet. That’s what I noticed about them. They didn’t, they would talk, but they really only talked when it was essential. For the most part, they were just very quiet and mysterious. And I was just completely enthralled with that. I loved the elves. I was like, I want to be an elf.

They’re so cool. You know? And it wasn’t like, oh, Lego is this good-looking? I mean, obviously Orlando Bloom like he’s good looking. But it wasn’t that it wasn’t it was just it was their whole culture. All the elves, anytime an elf got on the screen. Arwin was a bit of an exception because I don’t know, she just didn’t, she never struck me as quite as elvish as the other elves. But in general, when I saw that, it really was a freeing idea. I felt very liberated because it dawned on me that like, I didn’t have to talk all the time. It was okay to be quiet and mysterious. And that for me, like I am a more introverted person.

Now, obviously, you extroverts are going to be watching this and you’re going to be like, but I like talking. And that’s okay. I’m not saying you have to completely change your personality, but maybe cut back a little bit, just a little bit, a little bit. But for those of you who are introverts, you’ll probably resonate, watch, watch the Lord of the Rings. I’m telling you to watch the trilogy, watch the two towers, especially and you’ll see that the elves are very quiet mysterious, and you’ll see what I’m talking about. But again, yeah, it can be very liberating to realize like, oh, I don’t have to be talking all the time. Sometimes it’s okay to be quiet. And so yeah, after that, like, I didn’t talk as much and I had one teacher, she’s like, Oh, are you okay? Like, you’re kind of quiet. And I was like, Yeah, I’m fine but yeah, so number nine, having a certain mystery is very feminine that’s one of the hallmarks of femininity, especially that men notice they really are very intrigued by a mysterious woman, who’s not constantly talking if you want to be attractive. Yeah, getting that mystery going by just like not talking as much that that’s like one of the hacks to being attractive. Like seriously, just be Silent let there be moments of silence and like men like really eat that up.

So anyways, those are nine ways to be more feminine, plenty of ideas. Take what certain things will resonate with you more than others. So, just take what resonates and leave it at that but anyways, yeah, so if you have any questions, let me know. I hope that was helpful. And if you like this video, feel free to leave a comment or subscribe and yeah, so have a good day. Thanks for watching, and we’ll see you next time.